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Piano Ear Training (Music)


Piano Ear Training 1.6

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Music
Price: Free, Version: 1.5 -> 1.6 (iTunes)


• Learn To Play The Piano by Ear and perfect your aural skills
• 9 different games to become a better musician and achieve high scores in grade theory exams: Higher Lower, Pitch Training, Interval Training, Chord Distinction, Scale Identification, Interval Comparison, Pitch Identification, Melodic Dictation, Chord Progression.
• Highly authentic and configurable piano (grand piano sounds, multitouch, glissando, highlighting, note names)
• Resizable piano suitable for all iphones and ipads.
• Suitable for beginners to advanced musicians. Games have different levels and you can program and focus on specific chords, intervals, progressions, scales etc.
• No In-App-Purchases

***** Higher Lower *****
Develop your skill to recognize different pitches.
Given 2 notes, can you identify whether the second note is higher or lower in pitch than the first note? A beginners exercise. You can make the exercise more difficult by restricting the range of the 2 notes played.

***** Pitch Training *****
Given a single note, can you play it back? This exercise allows your to zoom in on the note using relative pitch skills, and will record how many notes it takes for you to correctly identify. Make this more difficult by setting a time interval between listening and playing.

***** Interval Training *****
Given 2 notes, do you know how far apart they are? Being able to determine intervals between notes in the key skill to playing by ear.

You can change the base note to interval train in any key.

This is made easy as it associates an interval (e.g. Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, etc.) with a well known song. Select Song Clue to use a well known song as a learning aid to identify the intervals by ear.

***** Chord Distinction *****
Can you distinguish a Major from a Minor for example?
100s of chords.
Select apreggio mode to make chord distinction easier.
Select highlight to inspect the construction of the chords.
You can change the key of the chord.
Work your way through the levels.
Breakdown of chords listed on Help page.

***** Interval Comparison *****
Given 2 intervals, can you determine whether the second interval is wider or narrower in distance?

***** Pitch Identification *****
A popular test that comes up in music grade aural exams. Given a chord can you identify a specific note/pitch within it? For example, given a C Major chord, can you find the highest note?

***** Melodic Dictation *****
Given a melody, can you play it back?

***** Chord Progression *****
Can you distinguish a I - IV - V - I progression from a I - V- IV - I? Contains all the most common chord progressions which you will find in nearly all the most popular songs.

***** Scale Identification *****
Given a scale, can you identify it as a Major scale, Harmonic Minor or Natural Minor for example?

What's New

Fixed Bugs

Piano Ear Training

MCHD EMS Clinical Guidelines (Medical)


MCHD EMS Clinical Guidelines 3.8

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Medical
Price: Free, Version: 3.7 -> 3.8 (iTunes)


MCHD EMS Clinical Guidelines is an app that provides quick offline access to the Montgomery County Health District's EMS clinical guidelines.

Features include:
•Quick indexed lookup of protocols in a matter of seconds
•Search titles and text
•Favorites tab for quick access of what's important to you
•Updated shortly after new protocols are posted online making it more up-to-date than most printed protocol manuals
•Customizable hospital contact information and mapping
•Customizable notes for each individual protocol entry
•Always with you as long as you have your device and never fades or tears

What's New

*Using new PDFKit library for better PDF rendering.
*Removed the requirement for all documents to have numbers.

For a full history, see https://www.acidremap.com/changelog_ios.html

MCHD EMS Clinical Guidelines

안나키즈 (Lifestyle)


안나키즈 1.2.8

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.7 -> 1.2.8 (iTunes)


주요 기능

01 앱 회원들만을 위한 푸시알림!
세일은 언제하지? 혹시나 놓친건 아닐까 불안하셨나요?
이제 실시간으로 알려주는 똑똑한 푸시알림이 있으니 걱정마세요!
앱 설치 회원님들만을 위한 다양한 이벤트 정보와 혜택을 실시간으로 알려드립니다.

02 간편한 로그인, 풍성한 혜택!
쇼핑할 때마다 매번 로그인해야 하는 번거로움, 회원인증기능을 통해 없앴습니다!
비회원이라면? 아이디와 메일주소 입력만으로 끝인 간편회원 등록하고 혜택 챙겨가세요~

03 나누면 기쁨 두 배, 친구초대!
친구 초대하고 할인쿠폰, 적립금 등 다양한 혜택을 챙기세요.
초대받은 친구 역시 추천인을 입력하면 혜택을 받을 수 있어 1석 2조! 좋은 건 나누세요~

04 원터치, 간편배송조회
실시간으로 변경되는 배송상태, 이제 간편하게 확인하세요.
주문한 상품이 지금 어디쯤 이동하고 있는지, 단 한 번의 클릭만으로 조회하실 수 있습니다.

05 알아서 찾아주는 간편리뷰기능!
구매한 상품이 있다면? 몇 번의 터치만으로 간단하게 리뷰 작성하고 혜택을 챙기세요~.
구매했던 상품을 일일이 찾을 필요 없이 앱에 접속하면 자동으로 뜨는 간편리뷰 기능으로 편리함을 더했습니다.

■ 앱 접근 권한에 대한 안내

「정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률」제22조의2에 따라 아래와 같은 목적으로 ‘앱 접근 권한’에 대한 동의를 이용자에게 받고 있습니다.
서비스에 반드시 필요한 항목만을 필수적으로 접근하고 있습니다.
선택적 접근의 항목은 허용하지 않더라도 서비스의 이용이 가능하며 그 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

[필수접근에 대한 내용]

필수접근 권한은 없습니다.

[선택접근에 대한 내용]

● 카메라/사진 : 게시글 작성시 파일 업로드하기 위해 접근합니다.

- 매장 근처 푸시 기능이 있는 경우 아래 위치 권한을 포함하고 있습니다.

● 위치 : 고객위치를 확인하여 상점의 유효한 정보를 전달하기 위해 접근합니다.

[철회 방법]
설정 > 개인 정보 보호 > 권한 선택 > 해당 앱 선택 및 철회

※ 단 필수접근의 대한 내용을 철회 한 후 앱 이용시 접근권한이 필요한 경우 ‘설정 > 개인 정보 보호 > 권한 선택’을 통하여 권한 부여를 해주셔야 합니다

What's New

- 아이폰 X 화면 대응.
- 앱 최적화.


直销银行-北京银行直销银行 (Finance)


直销银行-北京银行直销银行 1.62

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Finance
Price: Free, Version: 1.61 -> 1.62 (iTunes)



What's New



Ecosia (Productivity)


Ecosia 3.1.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2 (iTunes)


Start using Ecosia today and join a global community of over 7 million people taking action to reforest the planet and fight climate change.

Ecosia is the tree-planting search engine. We use 100% of the profit we make from searches to finance reforestation programs and empower communities around the world. Download the Ecosia search engine and plant trees for free, just by searching the web.

Planet over Profit
Our goal is to build a greener and better world for everyone, not to maximize returns for shareholders. That’s why we’ve made a legally binding commitment to ensure that no profits can ever be taken out of the company. As part of our vision to end deforestation, we want to plant one billion new trees by 2020.

CO2 Positive
We are more than just CO2 neutral. Ecosia owns and operates its own solar plant to power your searches with 100% renewable energy. In fact, thanks to the amazing trees we plant, each search actually removes around 1 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Why Trees?
More than 25% of the world’s population rely on forest resources for their livelihoods. By planting trees you can fight climate change, restore landscapes, protect wildlife and help people by providing nutrition, employment and education. In the long term this leads to healthier, happier and more economically stable communities.

Forests need protecting and so does your privacy. We do both:
• We don’t save your searches
• We don’t track the websites you visits
• We don’t sell your data to advertisers
• Your searches are always SSL-encrypted

We know that trust has to be earned. That’s why we publish all our monthly financial reports and tree-planting receipts on our website.

Learn More
Find out more about our tree-planting projects, team, and mission on our website: https://info.ecosia.org/

Follow us on our Journey to 1 Billion Trees:
The Ecosia Blog: https://blog.ecosia.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecosia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecosia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecosia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/EcosiaORG

What's New

Updated projects content


Staples: Home, Office Shopping (Shopping)


Staples: Home, Office Shopping 8.8

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Shopping
Price: Free, Version: 8.7 -> 8.8 (iTunes)


Personalise your shopping experience with TouchID, store multiple credit cards as well as address profiles and more. Look for special in-app offers and use enhanced search to quickly find and order everything you need. Track your shipment every step of the way. You can also use our barcode scanner to check prices and our easy reorder features.

Staples Features:

Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store
* Browse the Staples catalog, pay in the app and pick up in-store within two hours! How about that timing?
* Same-day pickup on all your favourite, home and office supplies.

Barcode Scanning
* Scan products to check prices and ensure you are getting the best deal.

* Add your AIR MILES number to your account and earn with every purchase.

Enhanced Search, Order Tracking & Quick Reordering
* Use Spotlight search to search in the app, right from your home screen.
* Monitor your orders with a convenient tracking functionality.
* View past transactions on the intuitive Order History screen for easy reordering.

Shopping by Category
* Printing: paper, ink cartridges, toner and more.
* Office supplies large and small: everything from pens and pencils to monitors and furniture.

We’ve got you covered!
* Technology: get the latest and greatest from leading brands like Microsoft, Canon and HP.

Daily Deals
* Instant access to Staples’ daily deals right from the home screen.

Download the Staples app today for a great shopping experience!

What's New

We squashed some bugs and made some other improvements to boost your overall app experience.

Staples: Home, Office Shopping

Smarty CRM: Contacts and chat (Business)


Smarty CRM: Contacts and chat 3.5.10

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 3.5.9 -> 3.5.10 (iTunes)


Smarty CRM is an organizer for business people. It allows you to manage contacts, tasks in a planner, notes, goals, files and communication. Business app is able to work even without Internet and synchs with the web version.


The service is suitable for those who no longer wish to write down important information in notebooks, on pieces of paper or in tables. The program is designed primarily for active people working in various business fields.

You can choose from four rate plans: Basic, Start, Business and Profi. Basic is a free tariff and is suitable for individual work. The other three — for small, medium and large groups of users or companies. To begin to work together, go to organizer settings and send invitations.


The organizer has a tiled interface, which forms special visual range and organizes contacts by status. How does it look like?

● Firstly, the size of the card indicates a value of a particular person or a company (with high or conventional priority).
● Secondly, a color of a card indicates at what stage your relationship are (colors and names of the stages can be changed).

Our organizer is able to replace a whole bunch of programs, e.g. contact manager. calendar, to-do list and notepad. In terms of simplicity, it is close to electronic diaries and in terms of functionality — to CRM-systems providing the advantages of both.

In addition, the absence of the Internet will not catch you by surprise. In order to work in the service, Internet is not required. The data is stored on your device and when there is access to Wi-Fi, synchronization with the server occurs automatically.


The service improves user's personal efficiency, helping to manage his personal and business information. The organizer consists of 5 sections.

— Contacts. There you can find cards where information about your customers and partners, as well as the history of relations with them, is stored.
— Notes. Let you not just record your thoughts, but also to organize them by importance.
— Goals. This section is responsible for long-term planning. It has a tree-like structure with support for nested elements.
— Planner. It is intended for short-term planning of your business. Includes a calendar, events and notifications.
— Files. Upload necessary materials in Smarty CRM, so that they are always at hand.

Organizer is designed so that all the blocks are connected with each other. This simplifies navigation in the program.

Smarty CRM also allows users to:

— communicate with each other;
— work on joint tasks in one account
— import and export organizer data.

P.S. Like Smarty CRM? Vote and put five points!

What's New

Now you can recognize business cards.
— Payment is charged separately for each recognition and does not depend on any rate plan.
— Recognition is available to workspace admins from any contact card and section “Contacts”.
— Invited coworkers can also use this option if they are endowed with appropriate rights by workspace admins.
If you have any questions please, write to support@smartycrm.com.

Smarty CRM: Contacts and chat

2nd Grade Math Learning Games (Education)


2nd Grade Math Learning Games 5.5.6

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 5.5.3 -> 5.5.6 (iTunes)


We make math fun & engaging. Over 20 Million kids use the Splash Math program to Boost Confidence, Increase Scores & Get Ahead in Math.

Splash Math is a comprehensive and curriculum aligned math program which reinforces math concepts using self-paced and adaptive practice.

***Awards & Recognition's for Splash Math Series***
Splash Math Program is currently used by over 20 million kids and has bagged several prestigious awards.
• Winner of “Gold Stevie Award” (2013) in “Education and Reference” category
• Winner of “Tabby Awards” (2012) in “Best Education and Training App” category
• Winner of “Best Elementary Student App” (2011) by BestAppEver.com
• Featured in Apple lists - “Staff Favourite”, “New and Newsworthy”

*** REVIEWS ***
“Math skills + fun rewards = engaging for kids. Kids will love the graphics, music, and tools they can use to solve problems. The aquarium play also is fun and rewarding.” - CommonSenseMedia.org

“Exhaustive treatment of second grade math subjects that includes a full year's worth of problems, completion of which will pave the way for long term success in mathematics.” - SmartAppsForKids.com

***Program Info***
Content Coverage: 71+ math skills (Grade 2)
Curriculum: Common Core State Standards

***Key Features***
+ Self-paced math practice program
+ Move up and down grade levels within the same app.
+ Explanation for wrong answers
+ Scratchpad for rough work
+ Virtual rewards and games
+ Monitor progress with real-time progress dashboard.
+ HD graphics and sound effects to give an amazing game play experience.

StudyPad has the best math apps aligned to common core standards with virtually infinite number of questions. This app covers following topics:
1. Place Value - Extend place value understanding to hundreds place. Read and write three digit numbers in various forms
2. Number Sense - Compare and order three digit numbers. Practice skip counting and recognize even/odd numbers
3. Add within 20 - Fluently add within 20 including word problems
4. Subtract within 20 - Fluently subtract within 20 including word problems
5. Add within 100 - Use place value understanding to add two digit numbers
6. Subtract within 100 - Use place value understanding to subtract two digit numbers
7. Add within 1000 - Add two three digit numbers based on concepts of place value and using models
8. Subtract within 1000 - Subtraction involving two three digit numbers based on concepts of place value and using models
9. Time - Read and set time to 5 minutes using analog and digital clocks
10. Money - Work with money coins to count money and solve problems involving money amounts
11. Measurements - Measure and estimate lengths of objects in customary and metric units
12. Data - Represent and interpret data in up to 4 categories using line plots, picture graphs and bar graphs
13. Geometry - Identify two dimensional shapes including pentagons and hexagons, partition shapes into halves, thirds and fourths

***Subscription Plans***
• Plans: $29.99/quarter or $59.99/year.
• Free Trial: We offer a free trial period for above all plans.
• Cancel Anytime: No charges if plan cancelled before end of trial period.
• Renewal: Auto-renewal may be turned off anytime from Account Settings. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
• Privacy Policy: https://www.splashmath.com/privacy
• Terms of Use: https://www.splashmath.com/terms-of-use

***Refund Policy***
User can cancel subscription & auto-renew anytime and no further credit card charges will be made from next billing cycle. No full or partial refund of the current subscription is offered for the active subscription period.

• Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SplashMath
• Twitter: @SplashMath
• Website: https://www.splashmath.com

What's New

Thanks for choosing Splash Math as your learning partner.
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated. If you like Splash Math, please give us a 5-star rating and review, that helps us a lot!

2nd Grade Math Learning Games

KOBIL Trusted Verify (Business)


KOBIL Trusted Verify 2.0.4

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 2.0.3 -> 2.0.4 (iTunes)


Trusted Verify is the next generation of SMS when it comes to securing binding mobile transactions and business activities while providing more user comfort and significantly improved reliability.

With our Trusted Verify App we offer you a state-of-the-art product enabling the signing of all kinds of transactions. This solution is easy to use and meets the highest security requirements at the same time. We provide the transaction signing as an application in an app that can be customized to your design and suited to your needs. Therefore it is ensured that the solution will be accepted by your customers and that you don’t need to worry about security.

Our Trusted Verify App does not require any complicated or time intensive integration. You can therefore continue to use your application. The app works in parallel to your application. Only a few standardized interface customizations are required and you are ready to sign transactions with our Trusted Verify App convenient and secure even on mobile end devices.

Kobil’s Trusted Verify not only offers you the highest level of security, protection against data misuse and easy handling, due to Kobil’s years of experience as PKI specialist, but also additional value as well as long term investment security. With our solution you are protected against future and yet unknown threats, as our security platform is modular in design. It adapts to your security requirements and therefore allows a seamless integration of hardware, in case you wish to enhance your transaction signature.

Today’s mobile world provides numerous possibilities to make use of transaction. Trusted Verify serves to fully replace them and furthermore allows for realizing unique solutions that integrate your processes without having to rely on external services of telecommunication providers.

Some examples:
- Replace the SMS with Trusted Verify at payment methods using 3D-Secure.
- Authorize Transactions, prepared by third persons, with Trusted Verify (dual control principle).
- Realize approval processes within your app that require a signature

What's New

ios 12 update fixes

KOBIL Trusted Verify

猎人荒野生存online(多人联网求生游戏) (Games)


猎人荒野生存online(多人联网求生游戏) 1.6.0

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.5.9 -> 1.6.0 (iTunes)


玩家QQ交流群: 647756723








开发者Email: zhangdeke@126.com

What's New



TripLights (Social Networking)


TripLights 1.5.19

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Social Networking
Price: Free, Version: 1.5.18 -> 1.5.19 (iTunes)


TripLights is a community based event and news application.
Search for news and events just by “flying” over a certain region and see what is happening or what will happen.
Report/share and act like a reporter. Report events and news you believe are interesting and may help other people. The whole world can see it.
Appreciate and thank Triplighters who reported events and news that helped you.
Communicate with other Triplighters who reported or appreciated interesting events and news.
TripLights can be used by private people, by businesses or by authorities who want to find or to report dynamic news and events. TripLights is very valuable to travelers and to the general community which benefits from real time event and news information.

Events can be posted in any language and it can be viewed in other languages as defined in the application settings.

Stay up to date with help from the people who know best!!!

What's New

Bug fixes and improvements


唯美美妆-会员制全球美妆代购平台 (Shopping)


唯美美妆-会员制全球美妆代购平台 4.7.5

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Shopping
Price: Free, Version: 4.6.8 -> 4.7.5 (iTunes)











----美妆达人,潮流辣妈,白领达人,一买口红都All In的白瘦美,身边好品味的闺蜜都在玩的App;





--Molly Wong


What's New



Repeat Sound (Education)


Repeat Sound 6.1.3

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $.99, Version: 6.1.2 -> 6.1.3 (iTunes)


Repeat Sound is an app for playing sound selection region repeatedly, it is your good assistant for practice listening.


• Selection region history, back to selection region you have repeated
• Add lyrics
• Bookmark
• Recording
• Playback rate adjustment, from 0.5 to 2
• Resume last playback position and selection region
• Playback in the background
• Add sound files from File Sharing of iTunes
• Opening sound files from other apps, such as Mail, Documents, and so on

What's New

• Resolve the issue where sometimes text file or PDF file in a folder can not be opened

Repeat Sound

구두방 (Lifestyle)


구두방 1.2.6

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.2 -> 1.2.6 (iTunes)


주요 기능

01 앱 회원들만을 위한 푸시알림!
세일은 언제하지? 혹시나 놓친건 아닐까 불안하셨나요?
이제 실시간으로 알려주는 똑똑한 푸시알림이 있으니 걱정마세요!
앱 설치 회원님들만을 위한 다양한 이벤트 정보와 혜택을 실시간으로 알려드립니다.

02 간편한 로그인, 풍성한 혜택!
쇼핑할 때마다 매번 로그인해야 하는 번거로움, 회원인증기능을 통해 없앴습니다!
비회원이라면? 아이디와 메일주소 입력만으로 끝인 간편회원 등록하고 혜택 챙겨가세요~

03 나누면 기쁨 두 배, 친구초대!
친구 초대하고 할인쿠폰, 적립금 등 다양한 혜택을 챙기세요.
초대받은 친구 역시 추천인을 입력하면 혜택을 받을 수 있어 1석 2조! 좋은 건 나누세요~

04 원터치, 간편배송조회
실시간으로 변경되는 배송상태, 이제 간편하게 확인하세요.
주문한 상품이 지금 어디쯤 이동하고 있는지, 단 한 번의 클릭만으로 조회하실 수 있습니다.

05 알아서 찾아주는 간편리뷰기능!
구매한 상품이 있다면? 몇 번의 터치만으로 간단하게 리뷰 작성하고 혜택을 챙기세요~.
구매했던 상품을 일일이 찾을 필요 없이 앱에 접속하면 자동으로 뜨는 간편리뷰 기능으로 편리함을 더했습니다.

■ 앱 접근 권한에 대한 안내

「정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률」제22조의2에 따라 아래와 같은 목적으로 ‘앱 접근 권한’에 대한 동의를 이용자에게 받고 있습니다.
서비스에 반드시 필요한 항목만을 필수적으로 접근하고 있습니다.
선택적 접근의 항목은 허용하지 않더라도 서비스의 이용이 가능하며 그 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

[필수접근에 대한 내용]

필수접근 권한은 없습니다.

[선택접근에 대한 내용]

● 카메라/사진 : 게시글 작성시 파일 업로드하기 위해 접근합니다.

- 매장 근처 푸시 기능이 있는 경우 아래 위치 권한을 포함하고 있습니다.

● 위치 : 고객위치를 확인하여 상점의 유효한 정보를 전달하기 위해 접근합니다.

[철회 방법]
설정 > 개인 정보 보호 > 권한 선택 > 해당 앱 선택 및 철회

※ 단 필수접근의 대한 내용을 철회 한 후 앱 이용시 접근권한이 필요한 경우 ‘설정 > 개인 정보 보호 > 권한 선택’을 통하여 권한 부여를 해주셔야 합니다

What's New

- 아이폰 X 화면 대응.
- 앱 최적화.


N1 Kanji Yomi (Reference)


N1 Kanji Yomi 1.2.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Reference
Price: $2.99, Version: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0 (iTunes)


"N1 Kanji Yomi" is an application that is created in order to learn the N1 Level Kanjis of JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test). By using this application, with practice a lot of questions, you will master ​​the reading of N1 level Kanjis in very short time.

· N1 Kanji: 902
· On/Kun Yomis: 1433
· Number of Questions:> 6000
· Test Times: 10

Learning Time:
· 10-15 days

What's New

1. Fixed some minor UI problems.
2. Supported slide over and split view feature.

N1 Kanji Yomi

FC Basel 1893 (Sports)


FC Basel 1893 4.2.1

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Sports
Price: Free, Version: 4.2.0 -> 4.2.1 (iTunes)


Die offizielle App des FC Basel 1893

Mit der FCB-App jederzeit top informiert:

· Erhalten Sie alle News rund um den FCB via Push-Benachrichtigung direkt auf Ihr Smartphone
· Alle Infos rund um die Spieltage in der Hosentasche: Live-Ticker, Aufstellung, Bilder, Videos, Statistiken etc.
· Behalten Sie stets den Überblick mit dem FCB-Spielplan
· FCB-TV: Alle Videos auf einen Blick
· Das FCB-Tippspiel, Wettbewerbe und Quizfragen finden Sie in myFCBasel
· Stadionzutritt über die FCB-App mit der hinterlegten Jahreskarte
· Weitergabe von einzelnen Spielen aus bestehenden Jahreskarten über die FCB-App

Der FCB wünscht seinen Fans viel Spass mit der offiziellen FCB-App!


What's New

· Kleinere Anpassungen & Fehlerbehebungen
· Verbesserungen rund um das Ticketing
· Video Player Update

FC Basel 1893

Dash Mobile Travel & Transport (Travel)


Dash Mobile Travel & Transport 3.3.7

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Travel
Price: Free, Version: 3.3.6 -> 3.3.7 (iTunes)


Designed specifically for Travel and Transport’s corporate travelers, this proprietary mobile app empowers travelers with the important travel information they need, without the hassle or privacy concern of sending itinerary information to a third party.

When travel plans change, Dash Mobile keeps travelers up-to-date with gate departure information as well as important travel and security alerts. Skip the long lines at the airline counter by utilizing the touch-to-call application that connects travelers with an experienced Travel and Transport travel counselor who has their specific travel information and is ready to assist 24/7.

New features of Dash Mobile:
· Access to Online Booking Tools
· Enhanced Alert and Notification Center
· Floating Action Menu for Flight Check, Share Trip and much more

What's New

Bug fixes and performance optimizations.

Dash Mobile Travel & Transport

Radio Leverkusen (Music)


Radio Leverkusen 2.1.2

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Music
Price: Free, Version: 2.0 -> 2.1.2 (iTunes)


Radio Leverkusen ist das Lokalradio für Leverkusen – jetzt auch auf eurem iPhone und/oder Ihrem iPod Touch. Neben unseren Livestreams werden lokale Nachrichten, Sport im Rheinland und News aus NRW, Deutschland und der Welt angeboten. Zudem beinhaltet unsere neue App Services wie Wetter und Verkehr. Der Verkehr bietet aktuelle Informationen für Leverkusen.

What's New

Hier ist das erste Update unserer neuen App!
Wir haben euer Feedback gesammelt und einige Funktionen aktualisiert.
Unter anderem haben wir die Darstellung noch besser an die Displays eurer Geräte angepasst.
Viel Spaß!

Radio Leverkusen

Auto.ru: купить, продать авто (Shopping)


Auto.ru: купить, продать авто 8.7.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Shopping
Price: Free, Version: 8.5.1 -> 8.7.0 (iTunes)


Auto.ru — это приложение для покупки и продажи подержанных и новых автомобилей, мотоциклов и коммерческого транспорта. Более 550 000 актуальных объявлений с фотографиями, описаниями комплектаций и бесплатными отчётами проверки по VIN. Возможность создать объявление прямо с мобильного — для тех, кто хочет продать.

Для удобства поиска авто:

• Поиск конкретной модели
• Подбор машины по цене
• Подбор по пробегу
• Бесплатные отчёты по VIN
• Учебник для покупателей

Настройки поиска удобно сохранять, чтобы не создавать каждый раз заново, а определиться с выбором помогут отзывы других автовладельцев.

Бесплатные отчёты по VIN — с проверкой юридической чистоты, данных о кредите, залоге, участии в ДТП. Проверенные автомобили помечены зелёным значком.

Учебник Авто.ру — это советы экспертов о том, как правильно и безопасно выбрать, купить и оформить автомобиль. Статьи Учебника регулярно дополняются.

Для быстрой продажи:

• Создание объявления за пару минут
• Достаточно рассказать об основных характеристиках
• Добавление фото и видео прямо с мобильного

Все ваши объявления доступны в личном кабинете — в приложении и на сайте Авто.ру.

Авто.ру — один из самых посещаемых автомобильных сайтов в российском интернете. У нас самая обширная база объявлений о продаже разных видов транспортных средств.

Есть стандартная, проверенная юристами форма договора купли-продажи. Мы хотим, чтобы автомобильный рынок стал более безопасным и комфортным для обычного человека.

Свои вопросы, замечания и любые идеи по улучшению приложения присылайте на help@auto.yandex.ru

Сайт: https://auto.ru

Мы в социальных сетях:

VK https://vk.com/autoru_news
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/auto.ru
Одноклассники http://ok.ru/autorunews
Twitter https://twitter.com/autoru

What's New

Везде — одно и то же. И в данном случае это прекрасно! Теперь и в приложении, и на сайте вы будете видеть все ваши избранные объявления, сохранённые поиски, подписки и заметки. Авто.ру можно пользоваться на любых устройствах — вся ваша информация всегда будет с вами.

Auto.ru: купить, продать авто

Showpass Dashboard (Utilities)


Showpass Dashboard 9.2.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 9.0.0 -> 9.2.1 (iTunes)


Showpass provides organizers, producers, promoters, presenters, owners and managers (collectively, “Organizers”) of events, venues and other activities (each, an "Event"), services through which they can promote and sell reservations, tickets, memberships, certificates, admissions, donations and/or confirmations (each, an "Admission Item") that allow the ticket holder or purchaser (each, a "Patron") attendance at, access to, or participation in, Events. Organizers may also market and sell goods and merchandise (“Merchandise”) to Patrons and other services related to Events through the Services. Admission Items, Merchandise and such other services are collectively referred to as "Items".

What's New

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Showpass Dashboard

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