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大风车 (Utilities)


大风车 6.4.9

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 6.4.8 -> 6.4.9 (iTunes)



What's New



Все о беременности -Happy Mama (Medical)


Все о беременности -Happy Mama 2.4.5

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Medical
Price: Free, Version: 2.4.4 -> 2.4.5 (iTunes)


Happy Mama - мобильное сообщество беременных, мам и тех, кто планирует.

Бесконечно много информации по всем темам, касающимся материнства. Сотни тысяч участниц, готовых выслушать и поделиться. Удобный чат для общения с подругами (и обретения новых) и множество сообществ на волнующие тебя темы: от вопросов здоровья до покупки товаров. Плюс календарь беременности и развития малыша с детальным описанием всех этапов.
Делись переживаниями, получай советы, приводи подруг и заводи новых – здесь всегда рады новым участницам.

В Happy Mama всегда есть, с кем обсудить вопросы материнства, беременности, здоровья, получить ответы на любые вопросы и найти новых подруг – на том же сроке, и из твоего района.
Здесь комфортно, безопасно и тебе рады каждый день.

Если у тебя есть аккаунт сайта baby.ru - можно зайти под ним!

Они выбрали Happy Mama, потому что:
"В приложении очень крутой календарь беременности и календарь развития ребенка" /Ольга, 24 года/
"Много-много-много информации о беременности и развитии малышей!" /Света, 30 лет/
"Очень удобно найти девочек с детками из своего района и вместе гулять" /Настя, 22 года/
"Завлекает! В прямом эфире постоянно что-то новенькое!" /Тамара, 27 лет/


What's New

Мы постоянно работаем над улучшением приложения.
В новой версии мы исправили несколько мелких ошибок и повысили стабильность приложения.
Спасибо, что вы с нами

Все о беременности -Happy Mama

ViaTracks Mobile (Business)


ViaTracks Mobile 1.3.7

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.3.6 -> 1.3.7 (iTunes)


The complete electronic logbook
Those who use the company van have to log every single trip as documentation for the tax authorities, whilst those who use their own car for business trips want to log every single kilometre in order to claim their allowance. Imagine an electronic logbook that does all this work for you – automatically. No pen and paper. No on/off buttons. Just you, the van and ViaTracks

Ease of use
ViaTracks is a fully electronic logbook that meets all government requirements for documenting travel by company car. Manual entry into logbooks is time-consuming and involves the risk of registration errors and forgotten trips. ViaTracks saves all trips automatically and makes all documentation easily accessible to both users and the company. Detailed reports can be printed out or exported to Excel. With the fleet management option the company has a complete overview of the vehicles location at any time presented on a map. This enables the administrator to assign tasks quick and easy to the closest vehicle. ViaTracks includes everything you need to get going with automatic logging of journeys.

ViaTracks can be integrated with Devinco SpeedyCraft to give employees complete control over their logbook in the field. A single click transfers kilometres driven, time spent on site and toll fees directly to an order and onwards to the accounting system. This gives the company a complete overview of which trips have been charged to which job and a simpler logging of hours and actual costs incurred. SpeedyCraft sends project numbers and order titles back to the logbook, saving the driver the task of logging each trip in ViaTracks.

What's New

This is a bug fix release.

ViaTracks Mobile

Safe_Button (Utilities)


Safe_Button 4.0.7

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 4.0.6 -> 4.0.7 (iTunes)


HOTLINE CITY – федеральная программа личной поддержки и комплексной безопасности.
Удобное мобильное приложение автоматически определяет координаты при отправке сигнала экстренной помощи и направляет ближайший экипаж реагирования от одного из 528 охранных предприятий по всей России.
Одним нажатием кнопки вы можете вызвать помощь, получить необходимую консультацию или решить кажущийся сложным вопрос. Вместе с HOTLINE CITY вы сможете позаботиться не только о себе, но и о своих родных и близких.

HOTLINE CITY объединяет в себе полныи? спектр услуг безопасности и становится комплексным помощником, дающим чувство защищённости в любой? ситуации. Клиенты HOTLINE CITY получают не просто мобильное приложение, а технологическую платформу, на которой можно заказать практически любые услуги безопасности:

•Физическая безопасность в любой точке России
Обеспечьте себе и своим близким надёжную защиту: в случае необходимости Вы получите помощь от 1 900 частных экипажей Групп Быстрого Реагирования, поддержку квалифицированных юристов из круглосуточного кризис-центра и группы специалистов, стоящих на страже Ваших интересов.
•Юридическая поддержка
Клиент приложения может связаться с юристами со всего мира, по любому юридическому вопросу круглосуточно.
•Информационная поддержка
Вы ставите задачу, мы ее? решаем. Мы можем вам порекомендовать, где провести вечер, спланировать ваш отпуск или помочь в организации важного мероприятия.
•Локационная поддержка
Если клиент оказался в незнакомом месте, оператор поможет проложить маршрут. Геолокация клиента может быть отправлена скорой помощи, службам спасения, частным охранным предприятиям, друзьям и родственникам
•Помощь на дороге
Сломался автомобиль в пути? Закончился бензин? Попали в ДТП? HOTLINE CITY вызовет вам помощь в любой чрезвычайной ситуации на дороге. Просто воспользуйтесь приложением, а об остальном позаботятся специалисты HOTLINE CITY!
•Языковая поддержка
Личный переводчик по нажатию кнопки! Гарантия того, что вы будете поняты и вас поймут во всем мире

Наш многолетний опыт решения проблем позволит Вам получить быстрое, эффективное и профессиональное решение в любой сложной ситуации.
С HOTLINE CITY вы получаете круглосуточную поддержку и реагирование от лидеров индустрии безопасности во всех крупных городах России.
*Технологии, которые использует приложение, требуют относительно высокой производительности мобильного устройства. В связи с этим, предупреждаем, что на моделях телефонов с низкой производительностью или устройствах, выпущенных более 5 лет назад приложение может не всегда работать корректно

What's New

Небольшие изменения в интерфейсе


NBC25/FOX66 WX (Weather)


NBC25/FOX66 WX 4.7.400

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Weather
Price: Free, Version: 4.6.1700 -> 4.7.400 (iTunes)


The WEYI Mobile Weather App includes:

• Access to station content specifically for our mobile users
• 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available
• Future radar to see where severe weather is headed
• High resolution satellite cloud imagery
• Current weather updated multiple times per hour
• Daily and Hourly forecasts updated hourly from our computer models
• Ability to add and save your favorite locations
• A fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service
• Opt-in push alerts to keep you safe in severe weather

What's New

New Map Experience!
*Press the 3 dots to access map layers options
*Press and hold on any Weather Condition, Storm Symbol or Alert and drag it into the Quick Pick area to quickly change weather layers without accessing all map layers options

Easily view all videos in the app
*Press on a video and you will see all videos within the app displayed so you can easily browse


Retro Knight (Games)


Retro Knight 2.41

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: $1.99, Version: 2.4 -> 2.41 (iTunes)


Are you ready for REAL mobile adventure? Welcome to Retro Knight, an action/RPG/sandbox game that offers retro-inspired adventure not found on other mobile games! Play as Grudge, the newest dim-witted knight to be recruited by King Kerupt and General Jerkface, as he starts a quest to not only became the greatest knight in all of Kingdomland, but also to recover the Relics of General Importance and rid the land of monsters. Are you ready to get back to real, retro-powered adventure? Are you ready for Retro Knight?

• Venture over the countryside at your own pace, exploring where you desire in this free-roaming map full of secrets. There's always something to do!
• Buy your own house (or four) to store more items, decorate how you like with a built-in map editor, and even take a nice nap!
• Enjoy a world that operates on a real-time clock! Weather patterns, night/day changes, traveling shops and events, and even sales in select stores!
• Accept daily orders from your King to earn Badges and unlock new, top secret areas.
• Compete against other players in high-score specific arcade areas, or simply to see who has eaten the most tacos.
• Go Farming! Grow your own foods (and weapons!). There are entire games devoted to farming, and yet its only like 5% of this game.
• Equip dozens of different weapons, armors, and equip hundreds of different items, accessories, and magical tools (some of which might have been borrowed from other classic retro games).
• Pick up arcade-style power-ups to unleash new abilities on the monsters that long to eat you like the Fire Sword or Bottled Lightning.
• Shop at over 100 different stories in nearly a dozen different towns!
• Enjoy classically-inspired elements from retro games like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Bubble Bobble, Castlevania, Joust, Balloon Fight, Metroid, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Bomberman, and more!

Seriously, you need this game. Hurry up and download Retro Knight for iPhone or iPad! Not sure? Play online now at www.retroknight.com (Flash Player required).

What's New

Improved game performance

Retro Knight

Solink (Business)


Solink 9.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 9.1 -> 9.2 (iTunes)


Solink enhances your loss prevention, security, and operations with beyond-human insight.

Have visibility into every transaction, shift, and area of your business. Solink syncs the data from your point of sale (POS) system to your video surveillance footage, then pinpoints unusual transactions, speed of service issues, and other outlying events.

Get insight into transactions, staff, and sales:
Use our advanced search features to bubble up data: search by sale item, sale type, cashier, timestamp, and much more. Watch video clips perfectly synced to transactions for context into unusual activity.

Solink does the searching for you:
Receive daily reports on questionable activity or unusual transactions based on filters of your choosing, and gain deeper insight as Solink learns what to search for in your data. Use our Discovery Dashboard to track revenue, speed of service, sales totals by teammate, and much more.

Motion and activity without hours of video surfing:
Our cutting-edge features allow you to search for motion in any area of a camera view, even in a busy room. Pinpoint unauthorized access, backroom theft, or cash register fraud in seconds with our intuitive motion search tools. Use our heatmap tool to determine traffic flow on the sales floor for better merchandising.

Manage remotely, any number of stores:
Manage multiple locations from your laptop and phone, anywhere in the world. Switch seamlessly between stores to view revenue, video clips, and transactions. Audit sites from your phone, reducing travel and hours of work. Easy sharing features allow you to share video and data clips with managers or outside authorities.

Keep your hardware:
Solink works with your existing POS and video systems; we provide you with a DVR and integrate seamlessly with your systems, including drive-thru’s, keycard systems, and computers.

Crucial for any brick-and-mortar business:
Reduce shrink, fraud, and compliance issues for any business. Our clients include Quick Service Restaurants (QSR’s), Full Service Restaurants, retailers, financial institutions, resorts, and hotels.

What's New

Performance improvements and minor bug fixes


Rickety Kate (Games)


Rickety Kate 1.2.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 (iTunes)


Rickety Kate is a trick taking card game. This means every player tosses in a card and the player with the highest card in the same suite as the first card wins the trick and the cards. But wait! the person with the lowest running score wins. So winning a trick is not necessarily good.

The Queen of Spades (Rickety Kate) is worth 10 points against you and the other spades are worth 1 point against you. When you run out of cards you are dealt another hand.

If you obtain all the spades in a hand it is called 'Shooting the Moon' and your score drops to zero. At the beginning of each hand the player pass their three worst cards to their neighbour. Aces and King are the worst cards.

The game has many options and settings

Depending on the options the deck of cards can be anywhere from 30 cards in 3 suites to 184 cards in 10 suites

The following options are available

1. Number Of Suites in Deck (3 - 8)
2. Number Of Cards in Suite (10-20)
3. Number Of Players At Table (3 - 7)
4. Include Jokers in Deck (Yes-No)
5. Include Tarot Trumps in Deck (Yes-No)
6. Use Pass Three Worst Cards Rule (Yes-No)
7. Game Finishing Score (50 - 500)
8. Speed of Card Animations (Slow - Fast)
9. What are the Scoring Cards (Spades, Hearts or Jacks)
10. Include Hooligan ( Seven of Clubs ) Worth 7 points (Yes - No)
11. Include Omnibus ( Jack of Diamonds ) Worth Negative 10 points (Yes - No)
12. Follow 'Can not lead with Scoring Card Suite Until Someone Plays a Scoring Card' Rule (Yes-No)

Other names for this game are Black Lady, The Dirty, Dark Lady, Slippery Anne, Chase the Lady, Crubs, Black Queen, Black Maria, Hearts, Spades, Four Jacks and Hooligan Hearts

What's New

Minor Graphics Improvements
New cards

Rickety Kate

Parceiro - Tonolucro Delivery (Food & Drink)


Parceiro - Tonolucro Delivery 1.0.9

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Food & Drink
Price: Free, Version: 1.0.8 -> 1.0.9 (iTunes)


Este é o aplicativo do estabelecimento parceiro do Tonolucro Delivery. Nele você consegue acompanhar os pedidos e obter todas as informações necessárias para a produção.

Para ser um estabelecimento parceiro do Tonolucro Delivery, é só acessar o site https://tonolucro.delivery/seja-parceiro e preencher o formulário de cadastro.

Caso esteja procurando o aplicativo do consumidor, aquele que você pede comida e recebe no conforto do seu lar (ou trabalho), role a página até o final ou pesquise por "Tonolucro Delivery" (é o ícone vermelhinho!!!).

Dúvidas? Entre em contato com a gente delivery@tonolucro.com.

What's New

- Adicionado cupons de desconto no PDV.
- Correções e melhorias na usabilidade e no layout de apresentação do cardápio e dos produtos.

Parceiro - Tonolucro Delivery

Burn Video -Memories Delivered (Photography)


Burn Video -Memories Delivered 3.63

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 3.62 -> 3.63 (iTunes)


Burn Video provides a solution to every smart phone owner's dilemma. You have precious memories recorded on your iPhone or iPad, taking up space in a cloud and never being viewed again. We help you preserve and share your memories on something tangible where they are forever safe. Keep them for yourself or send as gifts from directly inside the app.

How It Works:

Burn Video allows you to create an HD DVD directly from your smart phone or iOS device. Just download the free app, upload your pictures and videos to the app, customize a title for your DVD to easily identify its contents, and have your memories delivered to your door in just a few days. No need to have photo books stuck in a drawer when you can watch your videos just like home movies! You can even upload photos and videos from your social media apps, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more!

What You Get When Ordering:

Burn Video gives you up to 4GB of space, or up to 60 minutes of video, with every DVD ordered. You no longer have to feel guilty for recording so long; we actually encourage you to record longer to preserve your precious memories! Not enough videos to fill your DVD? No problem, just add some photos alongside your videos at no extra charge.

Cool Features:

Check out our tutorial screen for a lot of cool features that we offer, including the ability to add text/caption along the bottom of your pictures and videos that play while you watch the DVD, the ability to move your videos around in the order of your choice, including chronological order and the ability to preview your videos and pictures before you add them to your order. And don't forget, you can upload photos and videos from your social media apps, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more!

Leave the shipping to us! Order additional DVD’s and have them sent directly to family and friends inside the app for the same low price. They make great gifts or keepsakes!

No contract! No subscription! You deserve the freedom to order when you want and as many as you want without being locked in. Signing up is free and you are never charged until you place an order with Burn Video. Pay just $5.99 per HD DVD and shipping is always FREE!

What's New

We're listening to your feedback and continue to update the app so that it runs smoothly and your orders process quickly.
Here's what's new:

- Fixed Upload Bug.

Burn Video -Memories Delivered

Ksmart Sales (Business)


Ksmart Sales 1.9.97

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.9.96 -> 1.9.97 (iTunes)


Ứng dụng công nghệ đa nền tảng – Cross Platform, Phần mềm Ksmart v2.0 phá bỏ mọi giới hạn về không gian làm việc và phương thức quản lý. Phần mềm tích hợp ngay trên điện thoại thông minh, cho phép nhân viên bán hàng và người quản lý có thể tác nghiệp ngay cả khi không có mặt tại cửa hàng

Các tính năng chính:
- Báo cáo vào điểm / rời điểm làm việc
- Ghi nhận lộ trình di chuyển, cập nhật vị trí thời gian thực
- Lập đơn hàng
- Tạo hồ sơ khách hàng mới
- Chụp ảnh nhận diện đại lý, điểm giao dịch
- Ghi chú yêu cầu bổ sung, phản ánh của khách hàng

Điện thoại: (043) 565 26 26

- Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
- This app may use your location even when it isn’t open, which can decrease device battery life

What's New

Cập nhật chức năng kiểm kê

Ksmart Sales

Pão de Açúcar Mais (Shopping)


Pão de Açúcar Mais 3.0.5

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Shopping
Price: Free, Version: 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5 (iTunes)


O App Pão de Açúcar Mais oferece ao participante do programa acesso à benefícios exclusivos, como ofertas personalizadas - Meu Desconto; Resgate de prêmios quando atinge desafios de gasto mensais - Meus Prêmios;
Além de outras funcionalidades que completam uma experiência de compra diferenciada.

What's New

Melhorias e ajustes de performance.

Pão de Açúcar Mais

e看牙 (Medical)


e看牙 3.9.8

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Medical
Price: Free, Version: 3.9.6 -> 3.9.8 (iTunes)




作为国内领先的口腔+互联网SaaS服务提供商,领健信息致力于以信息技术改造口腔医疗行业,通过连接医院、诊所、医生、患者、数据、第三方服务及供应链,提供以患者为中心,以医生、助理、护士、前台和管理者为主体,以诊疗时间轴为主线的『e看牙』口腔门诊数字化解决方案,产品覆盖口腔门诊管理(Dental Practice Management System),电子病历(EMR),CRM, 营销运营,牙科影像云,智能硬件,和面向医生和患者的移动应用。

What's New



Scotsman Ice (Shopping)


Scotsman Ice 1.3.4

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Shopping
Price: Free, Version: 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4 (iTunes)


The Scotsman Ice application is a useful tool for consultants, designers, architects, restaurants and hotels owners, technologists, mixologists, bartenders, contractors and dealers to identify, in the possibly quickest time, the perfect ice maker, starting from two basic information like daily ice consumption and ice type.

It also allows to quickly and easily touch base with the factories and/or the closest Scotsman office, so that business with Scotsman will always be smooth and linear.

In a globally spread business, Scotsman is always close to you and your needs in ice.

What's New

This version includes database updates with new products and various application improvements to support the latest devices and operating systems

Scotsman Ice

ÖBB (Travel)


ÖBB 4.140.1

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Travel
Price: Free, Version: 4.138.0 -> 4.140.1 (iTunes)


Buy tickets quick and easy.
The new ÖBB App makes going by train easier than ever.

Buy your tickets faster: The new ÖBB App makes buying your tickets much easier and faster. If you add your favourite routes, your ticket is only two clicks away.

Wide selection of tickets: In addition to ÖBB tickets, the new app lets you buy tickets for several Austrian regional transport operators - all in a single purchase.

Personalized service: While you travel, the ÖBB App provides you with information updates.

The app that learns from you. The ÖBB App remembers your preferences and becomes easier to use every time you need a ticket.

Did you click too fast? Immediately after every ticket purchase in the ÖBB App there is a 3 minutes' grace period to cancel your ticket with a single click. This also applies to Sparschiene tickets.

Book even faster with the "ÖBB Account". "meineÖBB" has become "ÖBB Account". You can make booking another notch faster if you conveniently store your customer and payment data in the "ÖBB Account". Once entered, these data will then appear automatically every time you buy a ticket. The resulting tickets are displayed on the smartphone after only a few clicks.

What's New

• iOS 12 support
• Support of new iPhones
• General improvements


NiUG Mobile (Education)


NiUG Mobile 11.0.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 7.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (iTunes)


The NiUG app is your connection to all things iMIS, NiUG International, and the best way to share, compare, and become more aware within the iMIS community. Download the NiUG app today and start connecting.

- Update your member profile
- Access conference materials including speaker and exhibitor information
- Send conference notes from your device
- View exhibit hall floor plans
- Set event reminders
- Share news about all things iMIS
- Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn

Download the NiUG app and start connecting now.

What's New

- New Events Feeds

- New Event dashboard

- Smart scroll on sessions list

- Event locator enhancements

- Directory enhancements

- Added Military time settings

- Added Notifications control settings

- Added Event Sponsor module

- Updated lead retrieval functionality

- Easy access to the current Event

- Added Sponsors module

- Added Event Polling

- Profile module enhancement

- Updated Session note functionality

- Enhancements to floor maps

- Support for full-size image for events

- Performance improvement in loading event listing

- Support for foreign language and special characters in push notifications

- Enhancements for iOS 11 (to be used for iOS ONLY)

- Bug fixes

NiUG Mobile

國家文官學院 (Education)


國家文官學院 1.3.8

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.3.6 -> 1.3.8 (iTunes)



What's New



Mackenthun's (Shopping)


Mackenthun's 3.0.3

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Shopping
Price: Free, Version: 3.0.0 -> 3.0.3 (iTunes)


Make shopping at Mackenthun's fast and easy!

-Select offers on the Weekly Ad section.
-Load coupons right to your Mackenthun's Rewards card. No clipping required!
-Create and manage your shopping lists: Add new items to your list, view a list created online, check off items as you shop.
-Check out your fuel rewards balance in Mackenthun's Rewards anytime, anywhere.
-Scan your Mackenthun's Rewards barcode at checkout from the app or Passbook to receive discounts from coupons you’ve selected.
- Add an optional alternate ID to get your discounts if you forget your phone.

Share feedback and suggestions by leaving a review! We’re continually adding enhancements to make your mobile shopping experience even better.

What's New

The widget and watch are back!
Coupon scanning and carousel bug fixes.


Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Mobile (Finance)


Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Mobile 1.2.09

Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Finance
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.08 -> 1.2.09 (iTunes)


You can now easily and quickly check all your products through the Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Mobile Branch!

If you have a private pension plan, you can monitor accumulation, state subsidies, fund distributions and all other information related to your plan. In addition, with its flexibility and convenience, Mobile Branch enables you to display your past transactions and update contact information quickly.

If you have a life insurance contract, you can use the app to access your policy and assurance details, update personal and contact information whenever you like.

If you have any private pension or life insurance products from Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, you can register for Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Mobile Branch with your Republic of Turkey Identity Number/ Customer Number and internet password easily.

What's New

“Taleplerim” function has been added for viewing individual pension account withdraw requests.

Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik Mobile

CT Barcino (Healthcare & Fitness)


CT Barcino 7.9

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: Free, Version: 7.8 -> 7.9 (iTunes)


És la millor solució creada per garantir els teus objectius!

Ja està aquí!

Després de mesos de desenvolupament i proves llancem una nova actualització en la qual hem tingut en compte els comentaris rebuts durant d'aquest temps per la vostra banda. Gaudeix d'una major autonomia i una millor experiència a l'usuari.

Pren nota de les noves funcionalitats, no et deixaran indiferent!

- Tens a la teva disposició tutorials perquè coneguis les principals funcionalitats
- Pots veure millor les opcions del menú lateral
- Els accessos directes de la pantalla d'inici et permetran consultar amb més rapidesa a 4 funcionalitats
- Tria del llistat d'entrenaments del club altres entrenaments que t'agradin i assigna-te'ls
- Visualitza i valida els exercicis del teu entrenament de forma més ràpida

Compatible amb healthkit per pujar els resultats de les teves entrenaments , mesuraments de tensió i anàlisi corporal

Encara no la tens?

CT Barcino

What's New

Se mejora la integración con la aplicación Salud y la visualización de entrenamientos en modo circuito.

CT Barcino

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